The Jungle is where I feel alive.
I was a risk expert.
Then came Covid.
The world turned upside down.
But in the midst of Covid and a Phd, I had a big reveal.
I discovered that 2 creators out of 3 struggle with uncertainty.
That struggle is distinct from stress.
It begins with our education — which makes it hard to see.
Stress signals that we struggle with uncertainty.
It signals that our education did not prepare us for the “Jungle” of real-life.
Think about it.
Real-life is inconstant.
If you enjoy the “Jungle” and break through it, you also own your story, your time and your life.
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My “jungle” mindset
New situations
Once you are in the “jungle,” every situations is a new situation. You should expect the unexpected.
Tools can help you turn new situations to your advantage.
Overlooked skills
But tools are not enough. Tools won’t create any magic. Creating magic in new situations demands imagination. Awareness. Discernment. Courage. And a few others skills that are normally overlooked.